Sunday, July 13, 2014

East Ithaca Recreation Way

Sunday Mid Morning I rode the East Ithaca Recreation Way.  There is a nice historical sign at the entrance detailing the railroad history of the ROW.

 The first stretch Is super flat and the biggest excitement is crossing the road (yawn).

Not “doing my homework” and just “winging it” was a mistake. When I got to the end of the first section (at 2) , I had no idea where to go, Being without any digital connectivity, I cussed out the lack of signage and rode back.

I then drove to the other trailhead and enjoyed this section a lot more. It travels along a stream  (Cascadilla Creek) and bridges the stream and road right before a sharp turn up a steep hill. All was rideable and enjoyable. The weather was cloudy but thankfully it didn’t rain until just as I finished. When I packed up and got in the car - it downpoured!

Short Video 


  1. I think it's now signed to connect 2 with 4.

    1. That's good - I was pissed off at the time - but it seems so obvious if I had only taken a map!
