Saturday, May 17, 2014

Riding the little-known Trolley Line north of Round Lake

Saturday - May 17th, 2014
I was up in the Burnt Hills - Saratoga area and determined to explore the old, little-known Trolley Line north of Round Lake.

Back at the beginning of April 2014,  I  had been on the section southeast of the Northway and the recently renovated section going southeast of Ruhle Road but the section in between those two still eluded me and I was intrigued.
Where I rode...

 -Topographic Map - 
note the steep banks of the Ballston Creek along here

Saturday was a gorgeous day - sunny and bright and still a bit cool - perfect weather for riding. I parked at Shenantaha Creek Park and rode south on the Zim Smith Rail Trail. Knowing I was going to hit some rougher undeveloped trails, I rode the mountain bike.
Shenantaha Creek Park
Before I stepped out of the house, I browsed  the usual internet map tools and knew from Google aerial views that there was a visible trail that hugs the west side of the Northway as it crosses over the Kaydeross. I knew this was my ticket to get to the Trolley ROW.
The Trail by the Northway
Sure enough, bombing down the rutted ATV trail got me to the other side. Right before I connected to the Trolley ROW, there was a small shale strewn gully to cross butas the video indicates—the Trolley ROW was still clear and an easy ride North.

NOTE: I took a few short one-handed videos with my iPhone while riding and merged them together (YouTube link below). 

When I emerged at the clearing, I  stopped to take photos  where the Power and Gas Lines converged. This location can be seen on the satellite map. Clearing on satellite map >

The next section was very “developed” and soon I wound up on the section of the trail I hiked in April riding by the stream, etc.

When I got to the gate on Ruhle Road, I turned south to check out the historic bridge.

Lastly, I reconnected with the Zim Smith trail and returned to the car.

Short Video Summation

Still having more time (and energy) to bike, I drove over to Luther Forest and had a great time there as well.  See Post >


  1. Most of what you rode, plus a bit more, is an official trail now.

    1. Wow that's nice to know (it's a great little trail)
